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Registrations will open on January 18, 2025

Registration and Abstract submission 

Registration and Abstracts submission are coupled and must be performed simultaneously by the presenting author. Participating co-authors need only to register but all participants in IBAC2025 must register. Registration and Abstracts submission opens on January 18, 2025, and closes on May 1, 2025. We offer late registration as registration without abstract submission closes on July 1, 2025.  



Registration fees depend on participant category and on time of registration and are tabulated below (please note that all prices include 25% VAT (Value Added Tax)):










Developed​ Countries are, for instance, EU, USA, AUS, CAN, JAP and UK. If you are in doubt, please consult: To qualify for the discount, you must be currently enrolled or working at an institution in a non-developed country. Student rates are exclusively for master and PhD students.  

Payment must be made in Danish Kroner, DKK. 1,000 DKK corresponds to about 134 EUR. Payment can be made by credit card or invoice. If you need to pay by bank transfer for any reason, please contact, and we will find a solution.   


The registration fees cover attendance to all presentations, refreshments during coffee/tea breaks, lunches Monday to Friday, Icebreaker, and Social Dinner. In addition, the fees will aid supporting a number of travel grants to students with limited means. Excursions and other socials must be purchased separately.  

Accompanying persons are welcome to the social events and the social dinner but may have to pay a minor fee. They will receive name tags when reporting at the Front desk.


Cancellations received by the Organizing Team before August 01, 2025 are entitled to a refund minus a handling fee of 500 DKK. No refunds will be issued to registrants who fail to show up or cancel attendance after August 01, 2025.


Pease note that the organizers cannot be held responsible for any personal accident or damage to the private property of participants at IBAC 2025, including the congress, social dinner, social activities, and excursions, and cannot be held liable for any costs incurred should the congress be cancelled for any reason (maximum notice of cancellation would be given to all registered delegates). The organizers strongly urge participants to ensure they have adequate travel and personal insurance cover before they depart for the conference.


To register for IBAC2025, please click on the panel with the correct category out of the 8 shown below to get to the registration site. Here, please finalize the registration.

Abstract submission 

Abstracts for talks and posters should be submitted together with registration no later than May 1, 2025. Please state if you prefer to participate with a talk or a poster. Abstracts for talks will then be selected by the Scientific Program Committee and assigned to symposia or to non-thematic sessions. If your abstract is not selected for an oral presentation, you agree that your contribution will be automatically assigned to the poster sessions.


All abstracts should be submitted as Word-files following the structure below:

a. Title ( Calibri body, 12 point, bold, max. 200 characters)

b. Name of presenting author (Calibri body, 12 point)

c. Affiliation of presenting author (Department, University (or other institution) and country; Calibri body, 12 point)

d. Co-authors: Names of all co-authors (Calibri body, 12 point)

e. Abstract text (Calibri body, 12 point; max. 250 words including funding body, if applicable)

f. Preference: Talk or Poster

g. Contribution category


The contribution category should be chosen from this list:

a. Communication and social behavior

b. Sound production and perception

c. Ontogeny and learning

d. Impacts of noise

e. Environmental monitoring (PAM)

f. Evolution

g. Other


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International Bioacoustics Congress, September 7-12 2025

Lundsgaard Gods, Lundsgaardvej 15, 5300 Kerteminde

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