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Below you can find more information about: 

Please note that the program below is only tentative. 

Conference program and timetable

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Local Organizing Committee

Sound Communication & Behavior Group at the University of Southern Denmark

Ole Næsbye Larsen

Emeritus Professor

Member of Scientific Program Committee and Local Organizing Committee

Ole Næsbye Larsen is emeritus professor at Department of Biology, SDU, Denmark where he has worked on hearing and sound production in several animal species, ranging from crickets to walruses. In the IBAC context, he was Chairman (President) from 2009 to 2017.

Magnus Wahlberg

Associate Professor 

Member of Scientific Program Committee and Local Organzing Committee

Magnus Wahlberg, Associate Professor at University of Southern Denmark and daily leader of its Marine Biological Research Center in Kerteminde. I study hearing and sound production in marine mammals and birds as well as echolocation in toothed whales.

Coen P. H. Elemans


Member of Scientific Program Committee and Local Organzing Committee

Coen P.H. Elemans is the head of the Sound Communication and Behavior group at the University of Southern Denmark. His lab focuses on mechanisms and motor control of voice production across the vertebrates, from mice to whales.

Stine Baungaard

Research Secretary

Member of Scientific Program Committee and Local Organzing Committee

Stine Baungaard works as a Research Secretary for the Sound Communication and Behavior Group at the University of Southern Denmark. 

She's editing the IBAC 25 website and is in charge of admin. 


Scientific Program Committee

Elodie Mandel-Briefer

Associate Professor

Member of Scientific Program Committee 

Elodie is an Associate Professor at the University of Copenhagen and the head of the Behavioural Ecology Group


Her research group focuses on the behaviour of vertebrates, and in particular mammals and birds.

Iris Adam 

Assistant Professor

Member of Scientific Program Committee 

Iris Adam is an assistant professor at SDU and leads a research group that studies vocal communication from genes to behavior using songbirds as a model system.

Jakob Christensen-Dalsgaard

Associate Professor

Member of Scientific Program Committee 

Jakob Christensen-Dalsgaard studies physiology of hearing, mostly in reptiles and amphibians with a special focus on evolution of hearing and sound localization.

Lasse Jakobsen

Associate Professor

Member of Scientific Program Committee 

Lasse Jakobsen is an associate professor at SDU and leads a research group that studies echolocation in bats with a strong emphasis on sensory filtering.

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Jakob Tougaard


Member of Scientific Program Committee 

Jakob Tougaard is full professor in bioacoustics and the effect of noise on marine animals at Aarhus University. He has worked on hearing, echolocation and acoustic behaviour in critters ranging from insects, bats and marine mammals.

Plenary speakers

​​Benjamin Judkewitz

Professor, NeuroCure Cluster of Excellence,

Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin​

Kasia Pisanski

CNRS Researcher, ENES Bioacoustics Research, 

Saint Etienne, France 

Jesse Barber

Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, 

Boise State University, ID, USA

Natasha Mhatre

Professor, Invertebrate Neurobiology,

Department of Biology, Western University,


Peter Teglberg Madsen 

Professor, Department of Biology, 

Aarhus University


More information will follow

Social events

More information will follow


International Bioacoustics Congress, September 7-12 2025

Lundsgaard Gods, Lundsgaardvej 15, 5300 Kerteminde

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